Our Code of Business Ethics


Integrity and honesty are our core values in all our business processes and interactions. We act in integrity and honesty in all our relations with the employees and stakeholders.


As employees of the Raneri, we give us most importance to protecting the privacy of our customers, employees and other associated individuals and companies and the confidentiality of their information. We protect confidential information regarding the activities of the Raneri, use this information only for the purposes of the Raneri, and share this information only with relevant authorised parties.

Conflict of Interest;

As Raneri employees, we take responsibility to avoid situations and relationships that involve conflict of interest. We do not use our present position to obtain any benefits personally or through our families and relatives, from people and companies with whom we have business relations.

Our Responsibilities;

In addition to our legal responsibilities, we give utmost importance to fulfil the following responsibilities vis-a-vis our customers, employees, stakeholders, suppliers and business partners, competitors, the community, humanity, and to the name of Raneri. * Our Legal Responsibilities * Our Responsibilities Towards Our Customers * Our Responsibilities Towards Our Employees * Our Responsibilities Towards Our Suppliers / Business Partners * Our Responsibilities Towards Our Competitors * Our Responsibilities Towards the Community, Society and Humanity

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